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Hi readers, what is the kissing chemistry and how to maintain them fantastic? Here we are. Enjoy.

Lock lips in a place where you don't have to hold back
Yes, it's romantic to kiss, say, out on a street corner, but if you're not the PDA type, you might end up holding back during your kiss. And those unsure feelings could hold back a fireworks-worthy performance. The fact is, kissing signals our brains to produce oxytocin, a hormone that gives us that wonderful, weak-kneed feeling.

And the chemicals that produced that feeling prompt you to want to kiss more and create more, like a love drug. To make sure nothing stops that chemistry-building chemical process, make sure you're in a spot where you feel comfortable and safe, and you're not worried about what you're doing or who's watching: Move inside a doorway, behind a column, into a quiet room, or in the front seat of a dark car. That way, your and your date's bodies will be free to do what they're — ahhhhh, sigh, melt — supposed to.

(source: lifestyle.msn)


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