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Cool Laptop Accessories (1): Wifi or not

Posted by my-blogmedia | 9:16 AM | | 1 comments »

Readers, here are 10 cool ways to add useful new features and functionality -- plus security and convenience -- to your laptop without your even having to crack the case. We post them one by one. Do want to have it?,. You can review it before you make a decision to buy it. Enjoy.

Get connected, Wi-Fi or not
Wi-Fi is super convenient, but hotspots can be hard to come by, and many proprietors charge a pretty penny to use them. One easy way to enhance your connectivity options is to add a 3G Wireless WAN (WWAN) data device to your laptop. The three big carriers (Verizon, AT&T Wireless and Sprint Nextel) all offer such devices, available in several formats: PC Card, ExpressCard or USB. The best place to get one of these devices is at your wireless telecom company. If you commit to a service plan at the same time, their prices range from free, for AT&T's USBConnect 881 (it's free after rebates, anyway), to about $150, for Verizon's USB727 Modem (above). Performance doesn’t vary much from carrier to carrier or from device to device, so buy the one that has the best coverage in the area where you typically work or travel.

(source: tech.msn)


  1. Melanie // November 15, 2008 at 1:10 AM  
    This comment has been removed by the author.
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